Emralon and other coating applications offered by Coating Systems can be key to prolonging and improving the performance of your machines and equipment. However, coating applications are a little misunderstood outside of the field of industrial manufacturing and lubrication. At Coating systems, we want to help dispel some misconceptions and misunderstandings that surround coating applications. Read on below to learn the truth about the top three misconceptions regarding coating applications.
Three Misconceptions Surrounding Emralon and Other Coatings
#1 – Coatings on a Rubbers Seal Can Stretch Up To 200% Width
We have seen numerous engineering specs requiring the coating to maintain adhesion when stretched 50, 100 and even 200% the original width. While it is true that Emralon and other coatings are flexible and have some elastomeric properties, calling for this type of performance from acrylic latex resin bonded PTFE systems is unreasonable. In reality, if an o-ring or rubber seal requires stretching beyond 10% of the original diameter it is likely that there will be some normal flaking. Although it is possible for some coating types to achieve a 200% stretch, this requires special pretreatments for specific systems. As experts in the coating field, Coating Systems strongly discourages the promoting of a coating as stretchable up to 200%.
#2 – Thicker Coatings Last Longer
This is actually the opposite of reality. Emralon and other coatings are designed with the equipment they will be applied to in mind. Coatings have to be very thin – usually less than a half millimeter in thickness. Applying a thicker coating tends to reduce performance and lead to cracking and flaking. With Emralon – designed with O-ring installation in mind – once a color-coded rubber seal has been installed, the coating has done its job. At that point, the identification and ease of installation have been completed. In the case of dynamic seal coatings, a thinner application will last longer and be more durable than an excess of coating.
#3 – All Coatings Make O-rings Chemically Resistant.
Certain lines of Emralon coating do offer some corrosive protection and are designed to withstand exposure to gasoline vapor and transmission oil. However, that does not mean that the chemical the seal is exposed to will not penetrate the thin coating to attack the compound. As a rule, try not to expect a dry lubricant to further enhance the chemical resistance of the compound from which the seal is made.
Related Post: Are There Differences Between Rubber Gasket Coatings and Gasket Sealers?
Contact Coating Systems for More Information
Coating Systems is an expert on all things coating-related. If you have questions or concerns regarding an application of Emralon or any other coating to your product or equipment we can address those concerns. Call us to speak with one of our expert representatives at 1.800.593.7754.